

The 2024 OCACS elections are imminent! Click here to see the open positions and the candidates’ names and short biographies.

Please let the OCACS secretary know ASAP if you are interested in participating in the governance and administration of OCACS activities, and would like to volunteer for one of these open offices. Don’t hesitate!

The Teacher of the Year Award was presented during the Annual High School Dinner in May, 2024.

2024 has been another very successful year for all the members of the Orange County education community:

The Chemistry Olympiad attracted a large number of students for the first round held in early March, 2024. In April a select group of 11 high-performing students competed to attend the US National Chemistry Olympiad. One of them, Yufei Chen, made it all the way to the international competition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in June, where he won a gold medal!

The High School First Year Exam was conducted in April. The OCACS Chemistry Awards Banquet was held in May, and the winners in the Chemistry Olympiad, the High School First Year Chemistry Exam and the Orange County Science Fair were recognized.

The College Awards Dinner was held in April.

OCACS was selected as a finalist in two categories for the 2024 Chemluminary Awards – Applied Chemical Technology Professionals and the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. We won the latter for our annual Chemistry Teacher of the Year Award program.

National Chemistry Week was held at the Santa Ana Zoo on October 13th, 2024.

The 2023 OCACS  Volunteer of the Year plaque was awarded to Dr. Beverly Matsuda. A high school teacher in Irvine, Bev has served the ACS Orange County Section for many years.

2023 Election

Congratulations to the following members of the Orange County Section on winning the 2023 election to the following positions:

ACS National Councilor from Orange County, 2024-2026 – Robert Cohen
Alternate Councilor, 2024-2026 – Dr. Ganesh Rajagopalan
Local Section Chair, 2024-2025 – Dr. Rabin Lai
Local Section Treasurer, 2024-2025 – Robert Cohen

Click here to see all the Office-bearers.

If you are interested in becoming a member of ACS, click here for more information.

If you are already an ACS member and would like to join one of our Committees, please e-mail our Section Chair Dr. Rabin Lai at chair@OCACS.org.