Orange County Section

ACS National ChemLuminary Awards 2013 and Earlier

In 2013 our Section won the "Most Creative NCW Celebration" Award at the National Meeting in Indianapolis on Sept. 10, 2013.

Left to Right:
George Heard, Sanda Sun, Sandie Thompson, Bob Cohen, Bassam Shakhashiri

The Orange County Section was nominated for 2 awards at the ACS National Meeting in Denver, CO, on August 30, 2011.

In 2010, the Orange County Section won the ACS ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Community Involvement during National Chemistry Week. Our congratulations to Dr. Carol Grimes, who plans and coordinates the NCW event at Santa Ana Zoo. The 12th Annual ChemLuminary Awards ceremony was held during the Fall 2010 National Meeting in Boston, MA, on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. Beginning with a poster session/social hour, the awards presentation was followed by a wild party with music and dancing. Carol Grimes was in Boston to accept the award on behalf of our Section. Robert Cohen and Sanda Sun were also in attendance.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, Oct 13 at 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM