(L -> R) Carol Grimes, Richard Deming, Monica Gutfinger, Keisuke Ikehata, Sanda Sun, Rabin Lai, Bob Cohen, Bev Matsuda and Mark Hanning-Lee.
Technical Presentation & Dinner Program
Bob Cohen – ocacs@sbcglobal.net
Lisa Wanders – lisa_wanders@waters.com
Monthly dinner meetings with presentations on a wide range of chemistry-related topics. All members & their guests are welcome.
Stephanie Nobles – EdChair1@ocacs.org
Stacey Hamamura – EdChair2@ocacs.org
Secretary: Bev Matsuda – EdSecretary@OCACS.org
Since 1964 this committee has coordinated the ACS High School Chemistry Testing Program including the local ACS Olympiad tests for advanced chemistry students in March and April, and the First Year Chemistry Test in April followed by an Awards Dinner in May for both levels. The Committee also honors outstanding chemistry students from local OC universities and colleges at an Awards Dinner in April. Committee members volunteer to judge projects at the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair and OCACS gives two Special Awards. National Chemistry Week activities for hundreds of elementary kids in October, and many other chemistry outreach activities round out the year for this active committee.
The Chemistry Olympiad | Subcommittee Members |
Committee Photo | First-year Chemistry Tests |
National Chemistry Week
Stephanie Nobles – EdChair1@ocacs.org
National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based program sponsored by the American Chemical Society (ACS). The main purpose of NCW is to stimulate the interest of young children in science and to enhance public awareness of the many ways chemistry improves the quality of our everyday lives. The Orange County Section of the ACS normally hosts the NCW celebration at the Santa Ana Zoo (in Prentice Park). Throughout the day, local colleges and universities will have tables of hands-on science activities and demonstrations for children of all ages. For details, click National Chemistry Week.
Environmental Committee
Dr. Ganesh Rajagopalan environment@ocacs.org
The Environmental Committee holds bi-monthly meetings with presentations on a variety of topics relating to the environment and chemistry. Our group consists of environmental scientists and engineers in academia, utilities, municipal governments, consulting firms, analytical laboratories, and other related industries. Our meetings are open to the public and are announced in advance on the Calendar.
Younger Chemists Committee
Erin Joy Araneta ycc@ocacs.org
The primary task of the Younger Chemists Committee is to involve younger chemists in expanding the outreach of local ACS. Activities include the organization of events at local libraries, schools and other venues to promote excitement for chemistry among young people.
Women Chemists Committee
Sharai Mendez sjmendez@sdsu.edu
After many years, we are delighted to revive the Women Chemists Committee in Orange County. Besides reaching out to women scientists and technologists around the County, we shall serve as a forum to discuss how to increase and improve participation of women in the chemical sciences and the society.
Government Affairs
Dr. Mark Hanning-Lee markhl@prodigy.net
The ACS works with Government at the Federal level to promote public policies that help the chemistry enterprise serve the nation. For the year 2020, the Society has developed and issued 29 public policy statements in four broad areas of interest to its membership. At the local level, the Government Affairs Committee has the role to interact with elected officials from Orange County, working through our members to garner support for the Society’s public policies as well as acting as a resource on topical scientific issues and the scientific literature.
Kids & Chemistry
Monica Gutfinger kidschem@ocacs.org
Kids & Chemistry is a community-based science program that brings scientists, chemistry students, children, and parents together to do hands-on science activities. We hold a number of events at the local libraries during summer and around earth day. Our goal is to give kids and their parents an opportunity to experience enriching science activities and to showcase the positive contributions that chemistry has made to our environment. For details, click Kids & Chemistry.
Bob Cohen – ocacs@sbcglobal.net
Dr. Rabin Lai – communications@ocacs.org