About the Exam:
The ACS High School Exam is an annual event run by the Orange County Section of the ACS. It is open to any first-year chemistry student enrolled in college-prep and honors.
Participation continues to grow, and now routinely attracts about 300 students from over 40 Orange County High Schools, a substantial increase since the early 60s when about 25 schools participated in this contest.
The best performers in the High School Exam and the Chemistry Olympiad are honored at the OCACS High School Awards Banquet, an extremely well-attended event usually planned for later in May.
Eight students from each High School may take the exam. The top-scorer from each school gets his/her name engraved on a perpetual plaque, which is presented at the Awards Dinner. The Bruce Davis Award is given to the top scorer in the county. His/her name is also engraved on the school’s plaque, also given at the Awards Dinner.
Team Awards are given to the six best High Schools based on the total score of the five highest ranking students. Each School plaque, with the names of the top five student competitors, is presented at the Dinner to the top scorer from each school and his/her teacher.
The plaques are showcased at the participating schools throughout the year. All the winning students and their teachers are invited to the Awards Dinner, compliments of the ACS Orange County Section.
Past Events
Click the buttons below to see details of previous years’ High School Exams and Dinner Banquets
In 2020 & 2021 the Orange County High School First Year Exam and the High School Awards Dinners were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here for the official letter.